Tae San Joo Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who

Mr. Tae San Joo has been endorsed by Marquis Who’s Who as a leader in the journalism industry

SEOUL, SOUTH  KOREA, November 19, 2018, Marquis Who’s Who, the world’s premier publisher of biographical profiles, is proud to present Tae San Joo with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. An accomplished listee, Mr. Joo celebrates many years’ experience in his professional network, and has been noted for achievements, leadership qualities, and the credentials and successes he has accrued in his field. As in all Marquis Who’s Who biographical volumes, individuals profiled are selected on the basis of current reference value. Factors such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in a field are all taken into account during the selection process.

Since 2012, Mr. Tae San Joo has been a chief editorial writer at The Economic Review in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Prior to this appointment, he spent time as the chief executive officer of Maxmovie, Inc., from 2000 to 2012, Ticketlink, Inc., from 2011 to 2012, Beijing Ticket Technology Company & 88PIAO from 2007 to 2011, and in 2008. Leading up to those roles, he was the chief operating officer of INTIZEN, Inc., from 2000 to 2001. At Maxmovie, he considers his time there to be a highlight of his career as he brought the company immense success when it was on the verge of bankruptcy when he arrived.

From 2004 to 2008, Mr. Tae San Joo was an advisor at Korea Fair Trade Commission. He was also an economic expert monitor member at the Korea Development Institute from 1999 to 2001. Other past positions of Mr. Joo’s include researcher at the Korea Economic Research Center for the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1988 and an editorial writer at The Segye Times from 1998 to 2000, where he also worked at the financial department desk in 1997.

From 1996 to 1998, Mr. Tae San Joo was an auditor at the Journalists Association of Korea. His professional career began at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul, where he was a visiting professor at the School of Global Service from 2011 to 2012 and 2015 to 2016, as well as a lecturer from 1996 to 2000. From 2003 to 2012, he was a board member on the Kids and Future Foundation. He chose this profession because he wanted to be at forefront of changes in the world.

Mr. Joo pursued academics at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Korean language and literature in 1984. He continued his studies at the university’s School of Journalism and Information, where he received a master’s degree in 2001. Now an accomplished journalist, Mr. Joo has authored multiple creative works. He translated Jimmy Carter’s “Talking Peace” in 1994 for Jeu Media. He then wrote “Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs of Korea” in 1998 for Joongang M&B. Most recently, Steadybook published his work “Turning Point of my Life” in 2005, which he co-authored with Ahn Chul-soo.

Mr. Joo has been acknowledged for his many achievements over the years in the form of awards such as the Korea Fair Trade Commissioner Award in 2001. In 1996, he was named “Journalist of the Month” by the Journalist Association of Korea. He was given the 28th Venture Company Award by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2003, the Korea Global Management Awards by Hankook Ilbo in 2006, and the Technology Leadership Award by the Fourth Korea Internet Awards in 2009.

In recognition of outstanding contributions to his profession and the Marquis Who’s Who community, Tae San Joo has been featured on the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement website. Please visit for more information about this honor.

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