Marquis Who’s Who Honors Won Je Jeong with Inclusion in Who’s Who in the World

Mr. Won Je Jeong received a Citation from the Minister of Health and Welfare

GANGWON-DO, SOUTH KOREA, August 5, 2019, Marquis Who’s Who, the world’s premier publisher of biographical profiles, is proud to honor Won Je Jeong with inclusion in Who’s Who in the World. An accomplished listee, Mr. Jeong celebrates many years’ experience in his professional network, and has been noted for achievements, leadership qualities, and the credentials and successes he has accrued in his field. As in all Marquis Who’s Who biographical volumes, individuals profiled are selected on the basis of current reference value. Factors such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in a field are all taken into account during the selection process.

A leading voice in his areas of expertise, Mr. Won Je Jeong has excelled as a surgeon, colorectal specialist, colonoscopy specialist, and chiropractic instructor. He credits much of his success to his ability to make quick and accurate directions in his practice. Likewise, Mr. Jeong has further defined his medical prowess through his ability to work with grit without stopping.

Mr. Won Je Jeong began his career with the Korean Air Force, completing service to the rank of captain. Prior to embarking upon his professional path, he earned a Master of Arts degree. Additionally, Mr. Jeong has authored a number of articles for medical journals in his field.

Throughout his career, Mr. Jeong has been celebrated for his exemplary efforts. He was notably presented with a Citation from the Health and Welfare Minister of South Korea. Mr. Jeong further obtained a Citation from the Governor of the Gangwon Province.

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